We must, however, stress the connection between outbreaks of animal diseases, such as BSE, foot and mouth etc., as well as other food safety risks, such as dioxins, sewage sludge, etc., and the concentration and intensification of production as the consequence of adhering to a farming model based on exports and on liberalising agricultural markets, and which has therefore preferred culling to vaccination.
Mais nous ne pouvons pas manquer de souligner le lien entre la recrudescence des maladies animales (BSE, fièvre aphteuse, etc.) et d’autres risques de sécurité alimentaire (dioxines, boues d’épuration, etc.), d’une part, et la concentration et l’intensification de la production à la suite d’un modèle agricole ayant pour base l'exportation et la libéralisation des marchés agricoles, qui privilégie l’abattage à la vaccination, d’autre part.