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Abuse of dominant position
Analyse the original actor's way of speaking
Analyse the original actor's ways of speaking
Anglo-People of the North
Company in a dominant position
Dominant position
English-speaking Nor'Wester
English-speaking North-Wester
English-speaking Northwester
English-speaking People of the North
English-speaking areas
English-speaking countries
Evaluate the original actor's way of speaking
Franco-People of the North
French-speaking Nor'Wester
French-speaking North-Wester
French-speaking Northwester
French-speaking People of the North
French-speaking areas
French-speaking countries
Gauge the original actor's way of speaking
German-speaking countries
Language minority
Linguistic area
Linguistic group
Linguistic minority
Loud-speaker telephone
Loud-speaking set
Loud-speaking telephone
Loud-speaking telephone set
Parliamentary debate
Portuguese-speaking areas
Provide instruction on public speaking principles
Record of proceedings
Report of proceedings
Spanish-speaking areas
Speak positively
Speaking time
Teach public speaking principles
Teaches public speaking principles
Teaching public speaking principles
Use positive language
Utilise constructive language
Utilise positive language

Traduction de «Speak positively » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
speak positively | utilise constructive language | use positive language | utilise positive language

utiliser un langage positif

linguistic group [ English-speaking areas | English-speaking countries | French-speaking areas | French-speaking countries | German-speaking countries | language minority | linguistic area | linguistic minority | Portuguese-speaking areas | Spanish-speaking areas ]

groupe linguistique [ anglophonie | francophonie | groupement linguistique | lusophonie | minorité linguistique | pays anglophones | pays francophones | pays germanophones | zone linguistique ]

provide instruction on public speaking principles | teaches public speaking principles | teach public speaking principles | teaching public speaking principles

enseigner les principes de l'expression orale

evaluate the original actor's way of speaking | gauge the original actor's way of speaking | analyse the original actor's way of speaking | analyse the original actor's ways of speaking

analyser la façon de parler originale d'un comédien

English-speaking People of the North [ Anglo-People of the North | English-speaking Northwester | Anglo-Northwester | English-speaking Nor'Wester | Anglo-Nor'Wester | English-speaking North-Wester | Anglo-North-Wester | English-speaking-Northwesterner | Anglo-Northwesterner ]

Anglo-Ténois [ Anglo-Ténoise | Anglo-Territorien | Anglo-Territorienne ]

French-speaking People of the North [ Franco-People of the North | French-speaking Northwester | Franco-Northwester | French-speaking Nor'Wester | Franco-Nor'Wester | French-speaking North-Wester | Franco-North-Wester | French-speaking-Northwesterner | Franco-Northwesterner ]

Franco-Ténois [ Franco-Ténoise | Franco-Territorien | Franco-Territorienne ]

loud-speaker telephone | loud-speaking set | loud-speaking telephone | loud-speaking telephone set

poste à haut-parleur | poste téléphonique à haut-parleur | téléphone à haut-parleur

Conference of Youth and Sports Ministers of French-Speaking Countries [ CONFEJES | Conference of Ministers of Youth and Sport of French-speaking Countries | Conference of the Youth and Sports Ministers of French-speaking Countries ]

Conférence des Ministres de la Jeunesse et des Sports des États et Gouvernements ayant le français en partage [ CONFEJES | Conférence des ministres de la Jeunesse et des Sports des pays ayant le français en partage | Conférence des ministres de la Jeunesse et des Sports des pays d'expression française ]

dominant position [ abuse of dominant position | company in a dominant position ]

position dominante [ abus de position dominante | entreprise en position dominante ]

parliamentary debate [ record of proceedings | report of proceedings | speaking time ]

débat parlementaire [ compte rendu des débats | intervention parlementaire | temps de parole ]
The EU and its Member States will continue to develop more detailed common positions during the negotiations, so as to enable the EU to speak with one voice[20].

L’UE et ses États membres continueront à travailler à l'adoption de positions communes plus détaillées lors des négociations, de sorte que l’UE puisse parler d’une seule voix[20].

The EU and the 28 EU Member States will speak with one voice, on the basis of common positions, on all items on the agenda.

L'Union et les 28 États membres parleront d'une seule voix, sur la base de positions communes, pour tous les points à l'ordre du jour.

In the report we speak positively about a move towards consolidating supervisors.

Dans le rapport, nous parlons de manière positive du concept de contrôleurs de la maison-mère («consolidating supervisors »).

In the report we speak positively about a move towards consolidating supervisors.

Dans le rapport, nous parlons de manière positive du concept de contrôleurs de la maison-mère («consolidating supervisors»).

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Generally speaking, the effects of opening up economies to international competition are positive.

De manière générale, les effets de l’ouverture des économies à la concurrence internationale sont positifs.

– (ES) Mr President, the rapporteur has been kind enough to speak positively of the opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market, including in the report he has prepared.

- (ES) Monsieur le Président, le rapporteur a eu l'amabilité de faire référence en termes positifs à l'opinion de la commission juridique et du marché intérieur se trouvant dans le rapport qu'il a préparé.

Generally speaking, Securities Settlement Systems' participants may need credit to overcome temporary shortages in their cash position when settling securities transactions.

D'une manière générale, les participants aux systèmes de règlement-livraison de titres peuvent avoir besoin de crédits pour surmonter un manque temporaire de liquidités au moment du règlement de leurs opérations sur titres.

As is proposed in the report prepared by Mrs Zabell and adopted by the parliamentary committee, the aim would be for the European Union to be able to speak positively, with one voice, in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the Agency.

Comme le propose le rapport préparé par Mme Zabell et adopté par la commission parlementaire, l'objectif à poursuivre sera donc que l'Union européenne parvienne à parler d'une seule voix, de façon offensive, pour garantir l'efficacité de l'Agence.

As is proposed in the report prepared by Mrs Zabell and adopted by the parliamentary committee, the aim would be for the European Union to be able to speak positively, with one voice, in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the Agency.

Comme le propose le rapport préparé par Mme Zabell et adopté par la commission parlementaire, l'objectif à poursuivre sera donc que l'Union européenne parvienne à parler d'une seule voix, de façon offensive, pour garantir l'efficacité de l'Agence.

Generally speaking the Member States eventually accept the Commission's position without the need for infringement proceedings.

Dans l'ensemble, les Etats membres acceptent finalement la position de la Commission sans qu'une procédure d'infraction nécessite d'être entamée.

D'autres ont cherché : anglo-nor'wester     anglo-north-wester     anglo-northwester     anglo-northwesterner     anglo-people of the north     confejes     english-speaking nor'wester     english-speaking north-wester     english-speaking northwester     english-speaking people of the north     english-speaking areas     english-speaking countries     franco-nor'wester     franco-north-wester     franco-northwester     franco-people of the north     french-speaking nor'wester     french-speaking north-wester     french-speaking northwester     french-speaking people of the north     french-speaking areas     french-speaking countries     german-speaking countries     portuguese-speaking areas     spanish-speaking areas     abuse of dominant position     company in a dominant position     dominant position     language minority     linguistic area     linguistic group     linguistic minority     loud-speaker telephone     loud-speaking set     loud-speaking telephone     loud-speaking telephone set     parliamentary debate     record of proceedings     report of proceedings     speak positively     speaking time     teach public speaking principles     teaches public speaking principles     teaching public speaking principles     use positive language     utilise constructive language     utilise positive language     Speak positively     

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Date index: 2022-07-26