Such standardization, moreover, presupposes the attainment of the "big market", which will be one of the Community's major objectives over the years to come. The BCR pr
ogramme is designed specifically to bring about closer agreement in Community results, analyses and measurements, i.e., measurements of physical quantities (length, mass, volume, electric current, noise, etc.), measurements of the physical properties of ma
terials (mechanical strength, thermal conductivity, etc.) and chemical analyses (including anal
yses in th ...[+++]e medical field).
L'objectif precis du programme du BCR est d'ameliorer la concordance des resultats, des analyses et des mesures dans la Communaute : mesures physiques (longueurs, masses, volumes, intensites de courant electrique, bruit, etc.); mesures de proprietes physiques des materiaux (resistance mecanique, conductivite thermique, etc.); analyses chimiques (y compris dans le domaine medical).