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Audit stock market
Equity traders
Exchange customs
Exchange usage
Initial public offering
Investment brokers
Market index
Market quotation
Monitor commodities exchange
Monitor stock market
Observe stock market
Quotation on the Stock Exchange
Share index
Stock Exchange quotation
Stock exchange
Stock exchange customs
Stock exchange floor traders
Stock exchange index
Stock exchange price index
Stock index
Stock market
Stock market index
Stock price index
Stock trader
Stock-exchange listing
Stock-exchange transaction
Stockholm Stock Exchange
Stockholm Stock Exchange Ltd

Traduction de «Stock exchange customs » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
exchange customs | exchange usage | stock exchange customs

usages boursiers | usages de la Bourse

stock exchange [ stock market | Stock market(STW) ]

Bourse des valeurs [ Bourse ]

Stockholm Stock Exchange | Stockholm Stock Exchange Ltd | SSE [Abbr.]

Bourse de Stockholm SA

stock-exchange listing [ initial public offering | market quotation ]

cotation boursière [ admission d'un titre en bourse | introduction en bourse ]

listing | quotation | quotation on the Stock Exchange | Stock Exchange quotation

cotation | cotation en Bourse

order customisation of an orthopaedic products for customers | order customisation of orthopaedic merchandise for customers | order customisation of orthopaedic stock for customers | order customisation of orthopedic products for customers

faire personnaliser des produits orthopédiques pour des clients

market index [ stock market index | stock index | stock exchange price index | share index | stock price index | stock exchange index | footsie ]

indice boursier [ indice des actions | indice des cours des actions | footsie ]

investment brokers | stock exchange floor traders | equity traders | stock trader

vendeur en actions | vendeur en actions/vendeuse en actions | vendeuse en actions

audit stock market | monitor commodities exchange | monitor stock market | observe stock market

suivre le marché des actions | suivre la bourse | suivre les marchés boursiers
14. Regrets that the state aid-based compensation regime for indirect costs has created a new source of unfair competition on the EU single market among producers in electricity-intensive sectors, some of whom receive financial support from the authorities in their countries; urges that this compensation be harmonised and, if justified, be granted at European level in order to ensure a level playing field with global competitors and among European producers and ensure effective carbon leakage protection; notes that this is especially true for the six non-ferrous metals that are traded against prices determined by global demand and supply, mostly set by the London Stock Exchange ...[+++] understands, therefore, that base metal producers are ‘price-takers’, which are unable to pass cost increases on to their customers; reaches the conclusion that it is imperative to keep compensations on indirect emissions in place; refers to the agreement on the establishment and operation of a market stability reserve which states that ‘in pursuing the goal of a level playing field, that review should also consider harmonised arrangements to compensate for indirect costs at the Union level’ ; refers in this connection to Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty and to Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; calls on the Commission to review the impact of various energy support schemes on the retail prices of energy which indirectly influence competitiveness of energy-intensive industries in individual Member States;

14. regrette que le système de compensation étatique des coûts indirects ait créé une nouvelle source de concurrence déloyale sur le marché unique de l'Union européenne entre les industries des secteurs à haute intensité énergétique, dont certaines bénéficient du soutien financier de leurs pouvoirs publics; demande instamment que cette compensation soit harmonisée et, lorsque cela se justifie, accordée au niveau européen afin d'assurer des conditions de concurrence égales avec les concurrents du monde entier et entre producteurs européens, et de garantir une protection effective contre la fuite de carbone; observe que cela est particulièrement vrai pour les six métaux non ferreux qui se négocient à des cours définis par la demande et l'offre mo ...[+++]

14. Regrets that the state aid-based compensation regime for indirect costs has created a new source of unfair competition on the EU single market among producers in electricity-intensive sectors, some of whom receive financial support from the authorities in their countries; urges that this compensation be harmonised and, if justified, be granted at European level in order to ensure a level playing field with global competitors and among European producers and ensure effective carbon leakage protection; notes that this is especially true for the six non-ferrous metals that are traded against prices determined by global demand and supply, mostly set by the London Stock Exchange ...[+++] understands, therefore, that base metal producers are ‘price-takers’, which are unable to pass cost increases on to their customers; reaches the conclusion that it is imperative to keep compensations on indirect emissions in place; refers to the agreement on the establishment and operation of a market stability reserve which states that ‘in pursuing the goal of a level playing field, that review should also consider harmonised arrangements to compensate for indirect costs at the Union level’ ; refers in this connection to Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty and to Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; calls on the Commission to review the impact of various energy support schemes on the retail prices of energy which indirectly influence competitiveness of energy-intensive industries in individual Member States;

14. regrette que le système de compensation étatique des coûts indirects ait créé une nouvelle source de concurrence déloyale sur le marché unique de l'Union européenne entre les industries des secteurs à haute intensité énergétique, dont certaines bénéficient du soutien financier de leurs pouvoirs publics; demande instamment que cette compensation soit harmonisée et, lorsque cela se justifie, accordée au niveau européen afin d'assurer des conditions de concurrence égales avec les concurrents du monde entier et entre producteurs européens, et de garantir une protection effective contre la fuite de carbone; observe que cela est particulièrement vrai pour les six métaux non ferreux qui se négocient à des cours définis par la demande et l'offre mo ...[+++]

17. Regrets that the state aid-based compensation regime for indirect costs has created a new source of unfair competition on the EU single market among producers in electricity-intensive sectors, some of whom receive financial support from the authorities in their countries; urges that this compensation be harmonised and, if justified, be granted at European level in order to ensure a level playing field with global competitors and among European producers and ensure effective carbon leakage protection; notes that this is especially true for the six non-ferrous metals that are traded against prices determined by global demand and supply, mostly set by the London Stock Exchange ...[+++] understands, therefore, that base metal producers are ‘price-takers’, which are unable to pass cost increases on to their customers; reaches the conclusion that it is imperative to keep compensations on indirect emissions in place; refers to the agreement on the establishment and operation of a market stability reserve (2014/0011/COD) which states that ‘in pursuing the goal of a level playing field, that review should also consider harmonised arrangements to compensate for indirect costs at the Union level’; refers in this connection to Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty and to Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union ; calls on the Commission to review the impact of various energy support schemes on the retail prices of energy which indirectly influence competitiveness of energy-intensive industries in individual Member States;

17. regrette que le système de compensation étatique des coûts indirects ait créé une nouvelle source de concurrence déloyale sur le marché unique de l'Union européenne entre les industries des secteurs à haute intensité énergétique, dont certaines bénéficient du soutien financier de leurs pouvoirs publics; demande instamment que cette compensation soit harmonisée et, lorsque cela se justifie, accordée au niveau européen afin d'assurer des conditions de concurrence égales avec les concurrents du monde entier et entre producteurs européens, et de garantir une protection effective contre la fuite de carbone; observe que cela est particulièrement vrai pour les six métaux non ferreux qui se négocient à des cours définis par la demande et l'offre m ...[+++]

Adjusted according to the production cost differential between one country and another; reimbursed, in the form of a customs credit offered by the importing country to the exporting country; subsidised, in favour of exporting countries of the South, who would receive a customs credit supplement; negotiated, finally, in the stock exchange like the protectionist pollution quotas.

Modulables, en fonction du différentiel de coût de production d’un pays à l’autre; remboursables, sous forme d’un crédit douanier offert par le pays importateur au pays exportateur; bonifiables, en faveur des pays du Sud exportateurs, qui recevraient un supplément de crédit douanier; négociables, enfin, en bourse comme des quotas de pollution protectionnistes.

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BG: for other financial services as listed below: participation in issuance of securities, including underwriting of securities, excluding treasury bonds,trading for own and customers account of transferable securities,asset management (excluding pension fund management):bound for investment intermediaries, investment companies and stock exchanges established as joint stock companies licensed by the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC).

BG: pour les autres services financiers énumérés ci-après: participation à l'émission de valeurs mobilières, y compris le placement ou la prise ferme, à l'exception des obligations du Trésor,transactions pour compte propre ou pour compte de la clientèle de valeurs mobilières négociables,gestion d'actifs (à l'exclusion de la gestion des fonds de pension):consolidé pour les intermédiaires d'investissement, les sociétés d'investissement et les Bourses constituées sous la forme de sociétés anonymes agréées par la Commission de contrôle financier.

Many of the rules on the integrity of the markets, such as rules to combat insider trading, need to be extended to the internal transactions of these companies, while other rules, which at one time only related to companies, such as rules governing customer relations, should also apply to stock exchanges.

Les règles de conduite doivent, elles aussi, être adaptées en conséquence. Nombre des règles sur l’intégrité des marchés, la lutte, par exemple, contre l’insider dealing, doivent être étendues aux sociétés pour leurs transactions internes, alors que d’autres règles qui concernaient jadis seulement les sociétés, les règles régissant les relations avec le client, devront s’appliquer également aux bourses.

The two sides briefed each other on the latest developments in their own respective Customs policy and activities, took stock of the bilateral co-operation exchanges in recent years and, in particular, held productive discussions about the latest development of negotiations on an Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the European Community on Co-operation and Mutual Assistance concerning Customs matters.

Les deux hommes se sont entretenus des derniers développements de leurs politiques et activités douanières respectives, ont fait le bilan des échanges réalisés ces dernières années dans le cadre de leur coopération bilatérale et ont notamment eu des conversations productives au sujet de l'évolution des négociations relatives à la signature d'un accord de coopération et d'assistance mutuelle en matière douanière entre le gouvernement de la République populaire de Chine et la Communauté européenne.

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Date index: 2022-03-05