They would probably tell us to put the interest of the people before our own interest. They probably would tell us to stop playing politics in Parliament and start making good policy that is going to deliver jobs, that is going to protect older workers, that is going to amend the EI, that is going to deal with immigration policy that is fair and reasonable, that is going to deal with helping young people get the skills training they need and the transitioning things.
Ils nous diraient probablement de cesser de nous livrer à des jeux politiques au Parlement et de commencer à adopter des politiques solides qui permettraient de créer des emplois, de protéger les travailleurs âgés, de modifier le programme de l'assurance-emploi, de préparer une politique d'immigration juste et raisonnable et d'aider les jeunes à acquérir les compétences et l'aide transitoire dont ils ont besoin.