The aim of the programme is to foster and strengthen the capability of village communities in the following areas: (i) rural development (agriculture, livestock farming, forestry) by providing loans and technical assistance and organizing training and research activities; (ii) primary and secondary health care, including vaccination programmes and drinking water supplies; (iii) primary education (helping villagers to build their own schools, teacher-training courses).
Le programme consiste à promouvoir et à renforcer les capacités des communautés villageoises dans les domaines suivants : - développement rural (agriculture, élevage, forêt) par l'octroi de crédits, la fourniture d'assistance technique, la formation et la recherche; - santé, au niveau des soins primaires et secondaires, y compris programmes de vaccination, approvisionnement en eau potable; - éducation primaire (auto-construction d'écoles, formation de professeurs).