Mrs Scrivener, the Member of the Commission with special responsibility for taxation, social security contributions and the Customs Union, pointed out that these proposals would ensure that customs and tax checks at frontiers were abolished from 1 January 1993, would alleviate the burdens on firms, would permit appropriate measures to be taken to combat fraud and would prepare the way for the transition to the definitive system under which goods would be taxed in the country of origin.
Il s'agit de propositions qui assurent l'abolition des contrôles douaniers et fiscaux aux frontières dès le 1er janvier 1993, qui allègent les charges des entreprises, qui permettent un contrôle adéquat de la fraude et préparent le passage au système définitif, caractérisé par la taxation des marchandises dans le pays d'origine" indique Mme Scrivener, Commissaire responsable pour la fiscalité, l'Union douanière et les prélèvements obligatoires.