It has to be said that either we subscribe to the democratic model with which we are familiar, one based on the division of powers, and one which recognises that the courts have supreme authority when it comes to guaranteeing individual rights, and we acknowledge that European judicial cooperation in criminal matters consists precisely of reinforcing coordination between European courts in their capacity of protectors of fundamental rights – and this is the model to which I personally subscribe – or we can choose not to subscribe to this model and, in that case, I fail to understand how one can see this initiative for developing a common judicial area as posing any threat to guarantees on fundamental rights.
Il faut en effet le dire. Ou bien on souscrit au modèle de démocratie que nous connaissons, qui est basé sur la séparation des pouvoirs, qui reconnaît que les instances suprêmes de garantie des droits individuels sont les tribunaux, et on reconnaît que la coopération judiciaire européenne au niveau pénal consiste précisément à renforcer la coordination des tribunaux européens dans leur rôle de protection des droits fondamentaux.