As noted in a Speaker's Ruling of November 13, 1980, committee activities include " the specific things that are done by the committee, such as the holding of meetings, the election of a chairman, the calling of witnesses, the hiring of staff, advertising, and any other matter relating to the manner in which the committee conducts its proceedings'.
Comme l'expliquait le Pr?sident dans la d?cision qu'il a rendue le 13 novembre 1980, les activit?s des comit?s comprennent ? les choses particuli?res que fait le comit?, par exemple, les r?unions qu'il tient, l'?lection d'un pr?sident, la convocation de t?moins, l'engagement du personnel, la publicit?, et toute autre chose relative ? la fa?on dont un comit? d?lib?re ?.