Mr. Gilles Duceppe: Yes, but if my insurance agent made me pay a premium two or three times as high as it should have been, pocketed the profit and told me, when my house burnt down, that he was sorry, but that the policy applied to the second fire only, I could certainly talk to him and think it was great that this guy had some money, but he would nevertheless have robbed me of my money.
M. Gilles Duceppe: Oui, mais si mon agent d'assurance me faisait payer deux ou trois fois le montant de ma prime, mettait les profits dans ses poches et me disait, alors que ma maison a brûlé: «Je regrette, mais c'était pour le deuxième feu seulement», je pourrais bien discuter avec lui en me disant que c'est fantastique, que cet homme a de l'argent, mais il m'aurait quand même volé de l'argent.