The hon. Secretary of State for Multiculturalism had the pleasure yesterday of awarding certificates of achievements to the following: Best Essays in English: Alana Poon, Winnipeg, Man.; Hannah Crump, Toronto, Ont.; Chloe Hamilton, Elmira, Ont.; Best speeches in French: Gérard De Francesco, Kanata, Ont.; Danny St- Jacques, Ottawa, Ont.; Sarah Beaupré, Ottawa, Ont.; Best artistic representations: Kara Chan, Abbotsford, B.C.; Kristin Blackmore, Fredericton, N.B.; and Kylene Cachelin, Kamloops, B.C. We congratulate everyone.
Hier, l'honorable secrétaire d'État au Multiculturalisme a eu le plaisir de remettre des certificats de mérite aux élèves suivants. Meilleurs essais en anglais: Alana Poon, de Winnipeg; Hannah Crump, de Toronto; Chloe Hamilton, d'Elmira, en Ontario.