Honourable senators, in her work entitled, Only silence will protect you: Women, Freedom of Expression and the Language of Human Rights, the author Jan Bauer reminds us that, in early common law, there was a type of offender known as the common scold and the scold's bridle or brank, a cage-like device which enclosed a woman's head and which was used on women who spoke out on public affairs.
Honorables sénateurs, dans son ouvrage intitulé Only Silence Will Protect You: Women, Freedom of Expression and the Language of Human Rights, l'auteure Jan Bower nous rappelle que la common law prévoyait autrefois le délit de trouble-fête et les femmes qui se permettaient de parler d'affaires publiques se voyaient enfermer la tête dans une espèce de cage, qu'on appelait la muselière de la trouble-fête.