Mr. Ted White: In light of some of the questions that were raised here today—and surrounding, for example, a point I was going to bring up, but which Lorne brought up, about the 250 members and what's an appropriate level—you heard me ask the minister whether there had been any correspondence received from or any notice given to any of the small parties about this legislation. He indicated no. So they don't even know that it's here, and they have no idea that they're going to be required to achieve these things.
M. Ted White: D'après certaines questions soulevées aujourd'hui, notamment à propos des 250 membres et du nombre approprié, dont Lorne a parlé avant que j'aie pu le faire, vous avez entendu le ministre dire, en réponse à ma question, qu'aucun des petits partis n'avait reçu de lettre ou d'avis au sujet du projet de loi.