The department has provided us with a proposal, at our insistence, that would be a compromise in some degree and would maybe satisfy, although the Bloc proposal is inadmissible, and I suggest it would be basically on your ruling, Mr. Chair. I think that very possibly some of the consolidation of amendments we have proposed and the compromise we have proposed may fit in with and be satisfactory to the Bloc's intention, if, subsequent to your next ruling on BQ-5, I were able to provide those to the committee.
À mon avis, il devrait être tout à fait possible que le regroupement des amendements que nous proposons et le compromis que cela représente aillent dans le droit fil de ce que voulait faire le Bloc québécois et, donc, puissent satisfaire ce dernier, pourvu que, suite à votre prochaine décision concernant l'amendement BQ-5, je puisse les soumettre au comité.