This amendment concerns whistle-blowing protection. I don't know the term in French, but it's a term that's very well known in English, and it's to ensure that any employee or contractor who deals with an organization or is employed with an organization, who has reasonable grounds to believe their employer or the organization they contract with is violating protections under this legislation, can file a complaint and not be subjected to acts of reprisals by that employer or the organization they've contracted with.
Cet amendement concerne la dénonciation, et l'idée c'est de garantir que tout employé ou entrepreneur qui traite avec une organisation ou qui travaille pour elle, et qui a des motifs raisonnables de croire que son employeur ou l'organisation pour laquelle il travaille contrevient à l'une des dispositions de la loi, pourra déposer une plainte sans faire l'objet de représailles de la part de cet employeur ou de cette organisation.