– (DE) Mr President, if a stop is to be put to meat scandals and the back-door introduction of genetic engineering, then consumers need to be told the blunt facts, with nothing left out, but it cannot be acceptable that the stringent food regulations we impose on our own farmers and producers should be regularly circumvented by imports from third countries, a state of affairs that I regard as unfair to our farmers, counterproductive in terms of consumer protection and therefore needing to be done away with at once. It is for that reason that I voted against the Thyssen report.
- (DE) Monsieur le Président, si
l’on veut mettre un terme aux scandales impliqua
nt la viande et à l’introduction en catimini des aliments génétiquement modifiés, il faut exposer aux consommateurs l
es faits crus, sans rien omettre. Il est cependant inacceptable que les strictes réglementations alimentaires que nous imposons à nos propres agriculteurs et producteurs soient régulièrement contournées par des importations en provenance
...[+++] de pays tiers.