A cross-section of the national media has acknowledged this affirmation: from Quebec's La Presse,, Le Nouvelliste, the Montreal Gazette and La Tribune to the Halifax Daily News, Fredericton's Daily Gleaner, the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, the Ottawa Citizen to the Winnipeg Free Press, the Regina Leader Post, the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, the Calgary Herald, the Vancouver Sun and the Victoria Times Colonist.
Une bonne partie des médias nationaux ont accepté cette affirmation: La Presse et Le Nouvelliste, la Montreal Gazette et La Tribune, du Québec; le Daily News de Halifax; le Daily Gleaner de Fredericton; le Toronto Star, le Globe and Mail et l'Ottawa Citizen ainsi que le Winnipeg Free Press, le Regina Leader Post, le StarPhoenix de Saskatoon, le Calgary Herald, le Vancouver Sun et le Times Colonist de Victoria.