Far be it from me to tell an intelligent member like the one from the Bloc how to conduct himself, but the reality is that if the debate had finished today and had not gone into committee, which it is now destined to do as a result of the lack of Bloc support, there would have been at least one more day of debate and hopefully Canadians would have been given the opportunity to know what was going on in this place.
Loin de moi l'idée de dire à un député intelligent comme le bloquiste qui vient de prendre la parole comment se conduire, mais en réalité, si le débat ne s'était pas terminé aujourd'hui et si la question n'avait pas été renvoyée à un comité, ce qui va maintenant se produire parce que le Bloc a refusé son appui, il y aurait eu au moins un autre jour de débat.