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BC Northern
BC Northern Real Estate Board
Building loan
Cariboo Real Estate Association
Cariboo Real Estate Board
Compose real estate contract
Compose real estate contracts
Disposal of real estate
Disposal of real property
Estate agent
Home ownership
Housing finance
Housing loan
Immovable property
Land mortgage
Land underwriting
Law of real property
Loan on real estate
Mortgage loan
Mortgage loans
Mortgage of land
Mortgage of real estate
Mortgage of real property
Mortgage on real estate
Mortgage on real property
Municipal assessor
Real estate
Real estate analyst
Real estate approval
Real estate business
Real estate credit
Real estate endorsement
Real estate fund
Real estate investments trust
Real estate mortgage
Real estate surveyor
Real estate surveyors
Real estate trust
Real estate undertaking
Real estate underwriting
Real property
Real property mortgage
Realty mortgage
Set up real estate contract
Set up real estate contracts

Traduction de «disposal real estate » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
disposal of real estate [ disposal of real property ]

aliénation de biens immobiliers [ cession de biens immobiliers ]

real property [ immovable property | law of real property | real estate | Home ownership(ECLAS) | Real estate(STW) ]

propriété immobilière [ bien immeuble | bien immobilier | droit immobilier ]

set up real estate contract | set up real estate contracts | compose real estate contract | compose real estate contracts

rédiger un contrat immobilier

land underwriting | real estate endorsement | real estate approval | real estate underwriting

garantie immobilière

real estate fund | real estate investments trust | real estate trust

fonds de placement immobiliers | fonds immobilier | FPI [Abbr.]

real estate business [ estate agent | real estate undertaking ]

entreprise immobilière

real estate analyst | real estate surveyors | municipal assessor | real estate surveyor

contrôleuse cadastrale | évaluateur de propriétés bâties | appréciatrice de propriétés bâties | évaluateur de propriétés bâties/évaluatrice de propriétés bâties

real estate credit [ building loan | housing loan | loan on real estate | mortgage loan | housing finance(GEMET) | mortgage loans(UNBIS) ]

crédit immobilier [ crédit foncier | crédit hypothécaire | prêt à la construction | prêt immobilier ]

land mortgage [ mortgage of land | mortgage of real estate | mortgage of real property | mortgage on real estate | mortgage on real property | real estate mortgage | real property mortgage | realty mortgage ]

hypothèque immobilière

BC Northern Real Estate Board [ BC Northern | Cariboo Real Estate Association | Cariboo Real Estate Board ]

BC Northern Real Estate Board [ BC Northern | Cariboo Real Estate Association | Cariboo Real Estate Board ]
Some examples include highly polluting industries in Taiwan, processing and disposal of toxic or radioactive waste in Columbia, forestry, fishing, mining, and agriculture in the Philippines, purchase of agricultural land, real estate, and areas around natural reserves in Brazil, Brunei, and Pakistan.

À titre d'exemple, citons les industries très polluantes à Taiwan, le traitement et l'évacuation de déchets toxiques ou radioactifs en Colombie, les forêts, la pêche, les mines et l'agriculture aux Philippines, l'achat de terres agricoles et de biens immobiliers en périphérie des réserves naturelles du Brésil, de Brunei et du Pakistan.

The assets to be sold include the disposal of stakes in other companies as well as real estate property that are not essential to RMG’s survival.

La vente d’éléments d’actif inclut la cession de participations dans d’autres sociétés ainsi que de propriétés immobilières qui ne sont pas indispensables à la survie de RMG.

BerlinHyp accounts for about two thirds of the group’s entire real estate financing business and is technically relatively easy to dispose of by selling the shares in BerlinHyp.

BerlinHyp représente environ les deux tiers de l'ensemble des opérations de financement immobilier du groupe et il est techniquement relativement facile de s'en défaire en vendant la participation détenue dans BerlinHyp.

The Quebec real estate industry believes that the priority in this respect should be increasing disposable income for all Canadians through a decrease in taxes.

L'industrie immobilière du Québec croit que la priorité, à cet égard, passe par le rehaussement du revenu disponible des Canadiens et des Canadiennes par le biais d'une réduction fiscale.

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Motion No. 7 would limit the government's ability to reduce CN debt to only the amount necessary to achieve BBB bond rating status after first reducing it by utilizing company funds available and from the disposal of real estate assets; in other words utilize cash and start selling off some of the assets.

Si la motion no 7 était adoptée, le gouvernement serait tenu de limiter la réduction de la dette du CN au seul montant nécessaire pour obtenir la cote BBB, et ce, d'abord en utilisant les fonds disponibles de la compagnie et en cédant une partie de ses biens immobiliers.

Senator Meighen: If I were a base commander and I had a piece of real estate belonging to the base worth $900,000, can I take the initiative and seek to dispose of that piece of real estate at the best possible price?

Le sénateur Meighen : Si j'étais commandant d'une base et que la base avait une propriété de 900 000 $, pourrais-je prendre l'initiative de la vendre au meilleur prix?

And I'm sure that our ADM Finn, if he appears in front of your committee, can give you the real details of where we are and where we're going on getting the money from the disposal of our assets, whether it's real estate or a broken-down Jeep.

Et j'ai la certitude que notre sous-ministre adjoint, M. Finn, s'il témoigne devant votre comité, pourra vous donner les détails de nos initiatives et vous dire quel argent nous tirons de la liquidation de nos biens, qu'il s'agisse de biens fonciers ou d'une Jeep qui est finie.
