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Aboriginal Liaison and Promotional Officer
Enviromental promotions officer
Environmental education officer
Environmental public relations specialist
Environmental trainer
Information Society Project Office
Information Society Promotion Office
Internal Trade Promotion Office
Investment and Technology Promotion Offices
Membership promotion officer
Swiss Office for Trade Promotion
Swiss Office for the Development of Trade
Tourist promotion office
Trade association sales representative

Traduction de «enviromental promotions officer » (Anglais → Français) :

enviromental promotions officer | environmental trainer | environmental education officer | environmental public relations specialist

animateur nature et environnement | animatrice en environnement | animateur en environnement/animatrice en environnement | animateur environnement

Information Society Project Office | Information Society Promotion Office | ISPO [Abbr.]

Bureau des projets de la société de l'information | ISPO [Abbr.]

tourist promotion office

syndicat d'initiative | SI [Abbr.]

Information Society Promotion Office

Bureau de promotion de la société de l'information

Aboriginal Liaison and Promotional Officer

agent de liaison et de promotion des Autochtones

Internal Trade Promotion Office

Bureau de promotion du commerce intérieur

membership promotion officer | trade association sales representative

recruteur d'adhérents | recruteuse d'adhérents | recruteur d'une association professionnelle | recruteuse d'une association professionnelle

Investment and Technology Promotion Offices

Bureaux de promotion des investissements et de la technologie

Swiss Office for Trade Promotion (1) | Swiss Office for the Development of Trade (2) [ OSEC ]

Office suisse d'expansion commerciale [ OSEC ]
