My own view is that, if such a case arises, a court would likely rule that the physician acted properly provided that witnesses testify that the living will did in fact represent the views of the patient.< $FEugene Sutorius, " Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The Legal Scene" , in Euthanasia in the Netherlands: A Model for Canada?, p. 18.>
À mon avis, le tribunal saisi d'une affaire comme celle-là déciderait vraisemblablement que le médecin a bien agi, à condition que des témoins attestent que le testament biologique correspondait effectivement à la volonté du patient.< $FEugene Sutorius, «Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The Legal Scene», dans Euthanasia in the Netherlands: A Model for Canada?, op. cit., p. 18.>