Honourable senators, there is much more to be said about Bill C-38, but most regrettably the government has made it clear that it has no interest in hearing any of it — no interest in amendments, even though the Finance Minister himself admitted the bill was not without flaws; no interest in serious study of the bill; no interest in hearing from Canadians; and, honourable senators, given its use again and again of time allocation, no interest in even hearing what its own caucus members have to say.
Honorables sénateurs, nous pourrions dire encore beaucoup de choses sur le projet de loi C-38, mais, à notre grand regret, le gouvernement a indiqué clairement qu'il ne voulait rien entendre. Il ne s'intéresse pas aux propositions d'amendement, même si le ministre des Finances a lui-même admis que le projet de loi n'était pas sans faille.