I wish to congratulate and thank the presidents, past presidents, executives, past executives, board members, past board members and thousands of volunteers of the following community associations: Abbeydale, Albert Park, Applewood, Dover/West Dover, Erinwoods, Forest Heights, Forest Lawn, Inglewood, Lynnwood Ridge, Marlborough, Marlborough Park, Mayland Heights, Ogden, Penbrooke Meadows, Radisson Heights and Southview We all appreciate their contributions to Canada's well-being.
J'aimerais féliciter et remercier les présidents, dirigeants et administrateurs actuels et passés, ainsi que les milliers de bénévoles des associations communautaires de Abbeydale, Albert Park, Applewood, Dover/West Dover, Erinwoods, Forest Heights, Forest Lawn, Inglewood, Lynnwood Ridge, Marlborough, Marlborough Park, Mayland Heights, Ogden, Penbrooke Meadows, Radisson Heights et Southview. Nous nous réjouissons tous du rôle qu'ils jouent pour le bien-être du Canada.