When three Swedish citizens were listed among those whose funds and economic resources were to be frozen following 11 September, it was very clear what difficulties arise when people, first of all, are put onto such a list; secondly, they do not know what action to take in order to appeal against a decision; and, thirdly, they do not know how they are to keep body and soul together when they have no access to what is needed to meet the exigencies of daily life.
L'inclusion de trois citoyens suédois dans les listes concernant le gel des fonds et des ressources économiques après le 11 septembre a montré clairement les difficultés rencontrées par des personnes qui se retrouvent soudainement sur une telle liste et qui ne savent pas comment faire appel d'une décision ni comment se procurer le strict nécessaire puisqu'ils n'ont pas accès aux choses indispensables à la vie quotidienne.