On Clause 2, Monique Guay moved, That Bill C-12, in Clause 2, be amended (a) by replacing lines 20 and 21 on page 1 with the following: " to cause injury or illness to a person exposed to it, including a woman who is pregnant or nursing and to the foetus of a pregnant woman, before the hazard or condition can be" (b) by replacing line 25 on page 1 with the following: " or activity and includes any exposure to working conditions that are likely to be dangerous to nursing mothers and any exposure to a" After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was adopted.
Article 2, Monique Guay propose, Que le projet de loi C-12, à l'article 2, soit modifié a) par substitution, à la ligne 20, page 1, de ce qui suit : « sée, notamment une femme enceinte ou allaitant un enfant et le foetus d'une femme enceinte, ou de la rendre malade — même si ses » b) par substitution, aux lignes 24 et 25, page 1, de ce qui suit : « gée ou la tâche modifiée.