For example, we can point out the free market system that, with its profit motive, contains contradictions, it is true,
with regard to the expression of freedom, with its tendency to deny the right of access to capital and to the means of production, labour mobility, free association labour movements, et cetera, but, nonetheless, at least in its social democratic expression, and my colleague will forgive me for that, provide fundamental
room in expressing oneself in freely formed relationships between human beings
Par exemple, il est vrai que le système de marché libre, qui recherche le profit, contient des contradictions en ce qui a trait à l'expression de la liberté. En effet, il a tendance à nier le droit d'accès au capital et aux moyens de production, à la mobilité de la main-d'oeuvre, à la libre association, aux mouvements ouvriers, et j'en passe.