Commissioner Fischer-Boel, recalled that she had already presented a communication from the Commission on risk and crisis management in agriculture (see 7177/05) on which the Council had held an exchange of views (see 9197/05) as a first step towards launch
ing a comprehensive debate within the Council. She underlined that extending the safety nets in the common market organisations (CMOs) in the event of market crises such as the one existing in the beef sector was not envisaged. She stressed the need for a case-by-case approach in each sector. She also stated that,
with regard to the extremely ...[+++] varied positions expressed by delegations in the Council, no legislative proposal had yet been submitted. She also indicated that the Commission had launched a management instrument for risk and crisis management, as requested by the European Parliament, and was awaiting a report from the European Parliament and other European bodies on this issue. Concerning the reform of the Common Market Organisation (CMO) on fruit and vegetables (Regulations (EC) Nos 2200/1996 and 2201/1996), she mentioned that, in order to have a coherent and complete overview of the sector, legislative proposals for both of the Regulations on fresh and processed fruits and vegetables would be presented to the Council in the second half of 2006.Elle a ajouté que, compte tenu de la très grande variété des positions exprimées par les délégations au sein du Conseil, aucune proposition législative n'avait encore été déposée. Par ailleurs, elle a indiqué que la Commission avait créé un instrument de gestion des risques et des crises comme le lui avait demandé le Parlement européen et qu'elle attendait un rapport de ce dernier et d'autres instances européennes sur la question. Concernant la réforme de l'organisation commune des marchés (OCM)
dans le secteur des fruits et des légumes (règlements (CE) n° 2200/1996 et 2201/1996), elle a précisé que des propositions législatives concerna
...[+++]nt les deux règlements relatifs aux fruits et aux légumes frais et transformés seraient présentées au Conseil au cours du second semestre 2006 afin de dégager une vue d'ensemble cohérente et complète du secteur.