It so happens that we talked about Her Gracious Majesty, saying that perhaps the House should have sent her a telegram of sympathy when she fell from her horse and unfortunately fractured her finger. Being completely conditioned by his job, the hon. member for Charlevoix, a veterinarian, pointed out to me that he was also glad that the horse- Mr. Clifford Lincoln (Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Environment and Deputy Prime Minister): Mr. Speaker, I would like first of all to congratulate you at the outset of your mandate.
M. Clifford Lincoln (secrétaire parlementaire de la vice-première ministre et ministre de l'Environnement): Monsieur le Président, je vous présente d'abord mes hommages au début de votre mandat, et je voudrais féliciter tous les collègues ici de chaque côté de la Chambre, et dire aux députés de l'opposition que j'espère entre nous que nous soyons de vigoureux adversaires, mais jamais des ennemis.