All projects supported by the fund must demonstrate consent of the communities involved and have ensured meaningful dialogue, consultation and participation with stakeholders, verified by the application of the EIB Social Assessment Guidance Notes, as well as meeting the REDD+ Social and Environmental Standards. Projects must also comply with IFC Performance Standards (2012), meet Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance (CCB) certification standards.
Tous les projets soutenus par le fonds devront avoir fait l’objet d’un consentement des populations concernées, d’un dialogue constructif, d’une consultation et d’une participation des parties prenantes, au sens des lignes directrices sur l’évaluation sociale de la BEI, et respecter les normes sociales et environnementales REDD+ ainsi que les critères de performance de l’IFC (2012), les normes VCS (Voluntary Carbon Standard) et les normes de certification CCB (Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance).