e preceding and the last budgets are on track to reduce Canada's deficit to 3 per cent of the gross d
omestic product, as promised. Overfishing by foreign fleets, which threatened our already scarce domestic stocks, has been stopped, as promised (1740 )
Last but not least, a new Canada health and social
transfer program to govern future provincial-federal
transfers has been ...[+++]announced to ensure the preservation and strengthening of medicare, as promised.
La surpêche par les flottes étrangères, qui menaçait nos stocks de poisson déjà mal en point, a été arrêtée, comme promis (1740) Un dernier point et non le moindre, le nouveau programme «Transfert social canadien» régissant les futurs transferts entre le fédéral et les provinces a été annoncé afin de préserver et de renforcer le régime d'assurance-maladie, comme promis.