' [English] Mrs. Brenda Chamberlain (Guelph-Wellington, Lib) moved: Motion No. 33 That Bill C-32, in Clause 18, be amended by (a) replacing line 33 on page 41 with the following: ``made by a broadcasting undertaking and'' (b) replacing lines 39 and 40 on page 41 with the following: ``the broadcasting undertaking, as network is defined in that Act, or is an associate of the broadcasting undertaking, as associate is defined in the regulations to that Act for the purposes of the provisions governing ownership and control'.
[Français] M. Gaston Leroux (Richmond-Wolfe, BQ) propose: Motion no 32 Que le projet de loi C-32, à l'article 18, soit modifié par substitution, aux lignes 25 à 29, page 41, de ce qui suit: «(8) Le présent article ne s'applique pas lorsqu'une société de gestion est habilitée à octroyer à l'entreprise une licence l'autorisant à faire une telle fixation ou reproduction».