born 1934; Advocate (Scotland); Queen's Counsel (Scotland); Clerk, and later Treasurer, of the Faculty of Advocates; President of the Consultative Committee of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Community; Salvesen Professor of European Institutions and Director of the Europa Institute, University of Edinburgh; Special Adviser to the House of Lords' Select Committee on the European Communities;
Honorary Bencher at Gray's Inn, London; Judge of the Court of First Instance from 25
September 1989 to 9 March ...[+++] 1992; Judge of the Court of Justice since 10 March 1992. né en 1934; Advocate (Écosse); Queen's Counsel (Écosse); secrétaire, puis trésorier de la Faculty of Advocates; président du conseil consultatif des barreaux de la Communauté européenne; Salvesen Professor of European Institutions et directeur de l'Europa Institute, université d'Édimbourg; conseiller spécial du House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities; B
encher honoraire de Gray's Inn, Londres; juge au Tribunal de première instance du 25
septembre 1989 au 9 mars 1992; juge à la Cour de justice depuis le 10 m
...[+++]ars 1992.