Will he now work with the province to designate a mill that can handle the quarantined lumber so these woodlot owners can gain some economic viability from all the trees that have been blown down? Hon. Lyle Vanclief (Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, in eradicating this insect, the hon. member I think is aware of the fact that hardwood trees, with a certificate, can be moved out of the ministerial quarantine zone.
L'hon. Lyle Vanclief (ministre de l'Agriculture et de l'Agroalimentaire, Lib.): Monsieur le Président, en ce qui concerne l'éradication de cet insecte, le député sait, je pense, que les feuillus pour lesquels un certificat a été émis peuvent être retirés de la zone ministérielle de quarantaine.