I will quote one last member of this House, who today is a minister-the hon. member for Ottawa South. He said, on March 30, 1993, with regard to family trusts, and I quote: ``The answer that was proposed- is to say 21 years is a long enough trust and every 21 years, whether the property is disposed of or not, it will be deemed to have been sold even if it has not and capital gains tax will have to be paid.
Je citerai enfin un dernier député de cette Chambre, qui est aujourd'hui ministre, le député d'Ottawa-Sud, quand il disait, le 30 mars 1993, à propos des fiducies familiales, et je cite: «La solution consiste à dire que 21 ans, c'est assez long pour une fiducie, et qu'au bout de 21 ans, que vous ayiez cédé le bien ou non, on considérera que vous l'avez vendu.