It was agreed That the Canadian Institute's of Child Health recommended new subclause 44(5), as well as recommendations for clauses 67 and 68, at page 6 of the document entitled, Oral Version: Bill C-32 and Children's Health, be deemed read as part of the committee's record and filed with the Clerk of the Committee as Exhibit No. 5900 E1/C-32, 23 " 8" .
Il est convenu Que le nouveau paragraphe 44(5) et les modifications aux articles 67 et 68 recommandés par l'Institut canadien de la santé infantile à la page 6 du document intitulé: Oral Version: Bill C-32 and Children's Health soient annexés aux délibérations du comité et déposés auprès du greffier (pièce no 5900 E1/C-32, 23 «8»).