It is clear from his history that he with the support of his wife Marjorie recognized the full responsibility that comes with citizenship and actively sought to make his community a better place, a selfless characteristic we would all do well to emulate today (1555) From all accounts he was committed to Kamloops and her people as a physician and surgeon with the Burris clinic for 40 years, as a member of the Kamloops school board, as chairman of the United Appeal, and as the member of Parliament for Kamloops during the 26th Parliament.
Il est clair, d'après son cheminement, que, avec le soutien de sa femme Marjorie, il a pleinement assumé toutes ses responsabilités de citoyens et qu'ils a activement cherché à faire de sa collectivité un meilleur endroit. C'était un homme désintéressé que nous gagnerions tous à imiter aujourd'hui (1555) Toute sa vie témoigne de son dévouement envers Kamloops et sa population.