This is regrettable, but I think it is gratifying that we have now started this debate, that we have placed the focus on these important elements and that, in the process that is now being started by the Commission, we will hopefully also arrive at a situation where the Member States are actually shown respect and where it is not merely noted if national parliaments feel there has been a violation of the principle of subsidiarity, but that we actually stop and think that, in that case, we need to find another way.
C’est regrettable, mais je pense qu’il est bon que nous ayons maintenant entamé ce débat, que nous ayons mis l’accent sur ces éléments importants et que grâce au processus lancé aujourd’hui par la Commission, nous puissions également, nous l’espérons, arriver à une situation où les États membres seront respectés, où l’on ne fera pas que consigner les doléances des parlements nationaux qui estiment qu’il y a eu violation du principe de subsidiarité, mais où on prendra véritablement le temps de réfléchir à une autre solution.