In the matter of SOR/99-144 — St. Lawrence Seaway Au
thority Divestiture Regulations; SOR/98-230 — Portions of the Department of National Defence Divestiture Regulations; SOR/98-231 —
Portions of the Department of Public Works and Government Services Divestiture Regulations; SOR/98-232 — Regulations Amending the Air
port Transfer Regulations; SOR/99-3 —
Portions of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Divestiture Regulations; SOR/ 99-247 —
Portions of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Divestitur
e Regulati ...[+++]ons; SOR/2000-1 — Certain Canada Port Authorities Divestiture Regulations; SOR/2000-60 — Portions of the Canada Ports Corporation Divestiture Regulations, it was agreed that counsel to the committee review their status at a later date and inform the committee of the action taken.