a rating of SeaFrance by the SNCF at BB-, based on financial projections covering the period 2011-2019 consisting of 6 ratios, i.e. the leverage (14), gearing (15), equity (16), interest coverage (17), liquidity (18) and profitability (19) ratios, evaluated at between [0-5/20] and [15-20/20]; and
une notation de SeaFrance par la SNCF au niveau BB-, en s’appuyant sur des projections financières couvrant la période 2011-2019 consistant en 6 ratios, à savoir les ratios «leverage» (14), «gearing» (15), «equity ratio» (16), «interest coverage» (17), «liquidity» (18) et «profitability» (19), notés entre [0-5/20] et [15-20/20]; et