Particularly notable were our prize-winning Website The Prince and I/Le Prince et moi, where tens of thousands of young Canadians became friends of the Prince and increased their reading and spelling skills along the way, and the CD-ROM Making History: Louis Riel and the North-west Rebellion of 1885, which won the prestigious Best Interface Design Award at the 4th Annual Digital Media Awards.
Il faut absolument mentionner notre site Internet primé Le Prince et moi, The Prince and I, où des milliers de jeunes Canadiens sont devenus des amis du Prince et ont amélioré leurs aptitudes en lecture et en orthographe, et le cédérom Making History: Louis Riel and the North-West Rebellion of 1885, qui a obtenu le prestigieux prix de la meilleure conception graphique d'une interface lors de la quatrième remise annuelle des International Digital Media Awards.