So we think Canada should be learning from that experience of the United States and should be using some different mechanisms that may also act as pressure points on Jordan, to help it realize how seriously Canada takes the improvement of workers' human and environmental rights as we link them to trade. I think it's fair to say as well, and I give the government credit on this, that the fact the agreement addressed labour, environmental, and human rights signals to Jordan that these issues are of importance to the Canadian government and Canadian people.
Le Canada devrait donc tirer des leçons de l'expérience américaine et utiliser des mécanismes différents qui pourraient, de plus, faire pression sur la Jordanie pour l'amener à prendre conscience de l'importance qu'attache le Canada à l'amélioration des droits humains, des travailleurs et environnementaux, et que c'est pour cette raison que ces éléments font partie des accords commerciaux.