[174] Irit Weiser, “Effect in Domestic Law of International Human Rights Treaties Ratified Without Implementing Legislation” in Canadian Council of International Law, The Impact of International Law on the Practice of Law in Canada: Proceedings of the 27 Annual Conference of the Canadian Coucil of International Law, Ottawa, October 15-18, 1998 (Cambridge: Kluwer Law International, 1999), p. 132.
[174] Irit Weiser, « Effect in Domestic Law of International Human Rights Treaties Ratified Without Implementing Legislation », dans The Impact of International Law on the Practice of Law in Canada (délibérations de la 27 conférence annuelle du Conseil canadien de droit international, Ottawa, 15‑18 octobre 1998 (Cambridge: Kluwer Law International, 1999), p. 132.