It was the big government machine supported by public funds on one side against the volunteers who were doing their best to fight a vague question that read as follows, and I quote: [English] ``Do you support revising Term 17 in the manner proposed by the government to enable the reform of the denominational education system, yes or no?'' I know lawyers might find it very straightforward but I know a lot of ordinary Newfoundlanders who feel differently about it.
Ce fut d'un côté la grosse machine gouvernementale, appuyée par les fonds publics, contre des bénévoles luttant de leur mieux face à une question floue se lisant ainsi et je cite: [Traduction] «Êtes-vous en faveur de la modification de l'article 17, de la manière proposée par le gouvernement, pour permettre une réforme du système scolaire confessionnel.