They are living in villages or camps in three provinces in Pakistan (74% in the north-west border provinces, 20% in Baluchistan and 4% in the Punjab. Pakistan is being remarkably hospitable and granting freedom of movement to the refugees officially recognized by the UNHCR. Since 1979 the Community has played a la
rge role in helping many refugees survive through its humanitarian aid programmes, channelled via the specialized international agencies of the UNHCR, Red Cross and NGOs. The total amount allocated since 1980 is 130m ECU, an average of 22m ECU a year. It has also financed four self-sufficiency programmes since 1984. These are in
...[+++]tended to improve health and sanitary conditions in the camps in Baluchistan and also to boost activities which would provide income and self-sufficiency for the north-west province, enabling the refugees to produce foodstuffs (vegetables, poultry, eggs), manufacture blankets and satchels, and have vocational training.
Ils vivent dans des villages/camps de trois provinces du Pakistan (74 % provinces frontieres du Nord-Ouest, 2O % au Balouchistan et 4 % au Pendjab). Le Pakistan, dans une attitude d'hospitalite remarquable, accorde la liberte de mouvement aux refugies officiellement reconnus par l'HCR. La Communaute a, depuis 1979, largement contribue a la survie des populations de refugies par des actions d'aide humanitaire, par l'intermediaire des agences internationales specialisees de l'HCR, de la Croix-Rouge et des ONG.