It is now up to the other partners in the negotiations, and in particular Japan and the US, to present their plans for eliminating two of the main obstacles to normal competition existing in these two countries, ie in Japan, the home credit schemes under whic
h aid is granted to national shipowners for the building and conversion of ships and, in the US, the Jones Act and similar legislation which require vessels engaged
in US domestic and coastal trades to be US-built. - 2 - The Japanese home
...[+++]credit scheme has a grant equivalent element which has been calculated at between 5 and 6 %. Experience has shown that investment support granted to national shipowners for the building of ships has always, even if not legally prescribed, benefited national shipbuilding. This has been recognised inside the Community by the inclusion of such support when calculating the overall aid intensity which must not exceed the 13 % and 9 % ceiling As far as the Jones Act is concerned, the exclusion of foreign competitors from bidding for the construction of vessels to be used in US "domestic" trade is not so much trade distorting as trade destroying.Le succès des conversations à Paris
dépend désormais en grande mesure de l'attitude qu'adopteront les Etats-Unis et le Japon. - 2 - En effet, ces deux partenaires doivent à présent indiquer leurs projets afin d'éliminer deux des obstacles majeurs à la concurrence loyale : - les " home credit schemes " au Japon, accordés aux constructeurs nippons pour la construction et la reconversion des navires et qui, selon des estimations récentes, se traduisent par des aides non remboursables de l'ordre de 5 à 6 % ; L'expérience a démontré que l'aide à l'investissement accordé
s aux constructeurs nationaux ...[+++], même si la législation ne le prévoit pas explicitement, a exclu les non-nationaux du bénéfice de ces aides. La Communauté, pour sa part, a reconnu ce fait, en incluant ce genre d'aides dans le plafond maximal de 13 et de 9 %.