At least they should not be prejudged, which is what is happening here. In fact, this resolution and all similar statements do not show the slightest consideration for the will expressed by the electorate of a Member State of the European Union. In addition to this, we are opposing – in the name of tolerance, funnily enough – the formation of the government which this result makes possible. Nor are we allowing it to prove the intentions and political ideas that it has repeatedly stated, in the face of the accusations to which it is being subjected.
En effet, la présente résolution et toutes les autres positions similaires n'ont aucune considération pour la volonté exprimée par l'électorat d'un État membre de l'UE, et même ne tolère pas (au nom de la tolérance, curieusement) que la solution de gouvernement que permet ce résultat suive son chemin et puisse montrer ses intentions et objectifs politiques face, notamment aux accusations dont il est l'objet.