Accordingly, the twelve-country Community is being asked to work out guidelines with regard to its future policy on structures so as to provide a framework for the "third generation" of the common fisheries policy (the first dated from 1970, when certain conservation and management measures were defined, and the second started in 1976, when new arrangements were made following the general move to extend the fishery zones of north and central Atlantic states to 200 miles from the baselines).
Ainsi, il est demande a la Communaute a 12 de definir son orientation vis-a-vis de sa politique structurelle future en vue d'encadrer ainsi la troisieme generation de la politique commune de la peche, la premiere ayant ete enregistree en 1970 ou certaines mesures de conservation et de gestion ont ete definies, tandis que la deuxieme generation est nee en 1976 quand les nouvelles dispositions ont ete creees suite a l'extention generalisee des zones de peche des Etats riverains de l'Atlantique Nord et Centre jusqu'a 200 miles des lignes de base.