Article 50 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 establishes the RASFF, Article 20 of Regulation (EU) XXX/XXXX [Office of Publications, please insert number, date, title and, in a footnote, the OJ reference for the Regulation on animal health] a system for the notification and reporting on the measures on listed diseases, and Article 97 of Regulation (EU) XXX/XXXX [Office of Publications, please insert number, date, title and, in a footnote, the OJ reference for the Regulation on protective measures against pests of plants] a system for the notification and reporting of the presence of pests and the notification of non-compliances.
L'article 50 du règlement (CE) nº 178/2002 établit le système d'alerte rapide pour les denrées alimentaires et les aliments pour animaux, l'article 20 du règlement (UE) n° XXX/X [Office of Publications, please insert number, date, title and, in a footnote, the OJ reference for the R
egulation on animal health ] un système pour la notification et la communication d'informations sur les mesures relatives aux maladies répertoriées, et l'article 97 du règlement (UE) n° XXX/X [Office of Publications, please insert number, date, title and, in a footnote, the OJ
...[+++]reference for the Regulation on protective measures against pests of plants] un système pour la notification et la communication d'informations sur la présence d'organismes nuisibles et la notification des manquements.