The fisheries canning industry is the branch of the European processing sector which has the oldest traditions and the deepest roots, and it is a major creator of direct and indirect employment. Its market share has fallen over recent years, to the benefit of the (more modern and go-ahead) frozen and pre-prepared fisheries products industry, and it has also had to face the fall-out from Community policies and agreements with third countries which have run counter to its interests and, indeed, seriously jeopardized its survival.
L'industrie des conserves, la plus ancienne et la mieux implantée dans l'industrie de la transformation européenne et grande créatrice d'emplois directs et indirects, a, ces dernières années, cédé des parts de marché à l'industrie plus moderne et vigoureuse du congelé et des plats de poissons préparés et a également subi le contre-coup de diverses politiques communautaires et d'accords conclus avec des États tiers.