In order to support my argument and to prove that the aim is indeed one of putting paid to fishing, I invite you to refer to the scandalous and criminal decision taken by the Commission, which, on the pretext of a distortion of competition and at the very time when the price of diesel fuel has not stopped rising, has put an end, in France, to the fund for the prevention of risks to fishing, with the result that the entire profession has been put in a very difficult position.
Pour étayer mon propos et prouver que le but est bien de saborder la pêche, je vous invite à vous rapporter à la décision scandaleuse et criminelle de la Commission, qui a mis fin, en France, au fonds de prévention des aléas de la pêche, sous prétexte de distorsion de la concurrence, au moment même où le prix du gasoil n’a cessé de grimper, mettant en grande difficulté l’ensemble de la profession.